
Showing posts from 2013

March Membership Meeting - Family Photography

The March membership meeting was held on March 13 at the Verona Library.   Tina Erdmann , a lifestyle photographer from the Milwaukee area, was kind enought to come speak about her Me Ra Koh photography workshops and gave us some tips about how to take great pictures of our children and families! 

February Membership Meeting: Wed. 6th

The February Membership Meeting is a Valentine’s Day Party and Open House for prospective members!!  There will be cookie decorating, bag and valentine card decorating, and a voluntary valentine exchange!  If you’re bringing valentines, 20-25 should be plenty. Just write your child’s name in the “From” section.  Plus, lots of space for the kids to run around and play. 9:30 AM, Wednesday February 6th,  GSLC, 5701 Raymond Rd.  For questions contact us at (swmadisonmomsclub AT gmail DOT com).