
Get involved. Have fun! We have multiple events each week for moms to connect and children to play:

  • Play Groups: Play groups are formed according to day, time and age and meet twice each month. Sign-up for one play group or several. Meet for in-home fun (because other kids' toys are always fabulous!) or local fun (because story time at the library is always better with friends!).
  • Monthly Meetings:Monthly meetings are casual get-togethers that happen once a month. We talk about chapter business and catch-up while the kids enjoy snacks and playtime. Many times we invite a guest speaker. In the past these speakers have included fitness instructors, nurses, dental hygienists, librarians, martial artists, photographers, lawyers, and music teachers. The topics always revolve around children, mamas, and families.
  • Helping Hands:We offer meal trains and assistance to mamas who need a little extra help after a birth, sickness or surgery.
  • Service Projects:We organize at least one community service projecteach year. In the past these have included diaper drives, food drives and clothing donations. 
  • MOMS Night Out:One evening each month enjoy a little R&R with our mamas. Grab dinner out. Catch a movie. Paint. Make jewelry. Play laser tag. Laugh. Unwind. Connect.
  • Local Outings:Posted on a monthly calendar are community events that some of our mamas plan to attend. These include local festivals, zoo visits, music shindigs, farmers markets, park excursions, open gyms, science fairs, museum outings, walks, hikes, and much more. As these dates approach we send out event invitations. Attend as many or as few as you wish.