
Showing posts from 2017

Service With A Smile :)

Did you know that one of the focuses of MOMS Club is completing service projects in the community? We typically complete two large projects throughout the year. Last fall we held a donation drive for Santas Without Chimneys -- a local, volunteer-run nonprofit that ensures that homeless and highly mobile children receive presents at the holidays. We will vote on our spring service project soon. In the meantime, it’s wonderful when we can combine our membership meetings with a small way to give back. At our February membership meeting, the moms and kids made valentines for the “Grandmas and Grandpas” who live in the Oakwood Village, a care facility in our area. They were delivered the day before Valentine’s Day and were met with plenty of happy smiles! MOMS Club® does not endorse these products, organizations or opinions.

welcome to 2017!

We at MOMS Club bid adieu to 2016 and launched into 2017 in a big way. We had a special kid-friendly New Year's Eve party to send off the old year. We kept it simple - some balloons, a banner to decorate, and kid-friendly music for dancing! It was a great way for us Moms to visit and keep the kids busy during winter break. You can learn more about MOMS Club's upcoming events, and see if it is a good fit for you, by emailing our membership coordinator - .